Shoreway Facility Tours Update

RethinkWaste is always looking for ways to improve the equipment and processes at our publicly-owned Shoreway Environmental Center in San Carlos, and have just begun the installation of new, updated machinery to divert organics waste from landfill and convert it into natural biogas.

While we are very excited about this project, it does involve major construction, a major time commitment and major safety concerns for our site workers and guests.

The safety of our community members is our top priority and to ensure public safety and accommodate construction schedules and severely reduced parking capacity at the facilities, tours for the general public will not be available Fall 2019 through Summer 2020.

Tours will still be offered to school, business and organization groups that are able to arrive by bus. No-charge busing is provided for 3rd-5th grade classes in the RethinkWaste service area of Atherton, Belmont, Burlingame, East Palo Alto, Foster City, Hillsborough, Menlo Park, Redwood City, San Carlos, San Mateo, parts of unincorporated San Mateo County and the West Bay Sanitary District.

Tour access to certain areas of the Shoreway Environmental Center Transfer Station and Materials Recovery Facility may also be affected by construction activity during this period.

The RethinkWaste team expresses our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience. For questions or inquiries about qualifications please contact us.