Allied approach

Personal relationships are key to advancing recycling operations at RethinkWaste, San Carlos, California.

Joe La Mariana relies on relationships to keep materials moving and operations growing at South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA), which is more commonly known as RethinkWaste. The agency formed in 1982 with a goal of providing cost-effective waste reduction, recycling and solid waste programs to serve its member agencies in San Mateo County.

“From my understanding, [the agency] was formed at a property that was originally an old laundry facility that they converted into a transfer station and ultimately [to] a material recovery facility (MRF) in two large buildings on-site,” says La Mariana, executive director at RethinkWaste.

That site is known as the Shoreway Environmental Center, San Carlos, California. The center features a 70,200-square-foot MRF that handles commingled material and a 75,000-square-foot building that houses its transfer station. The site also features a public recycling center and an education center.

Read the full article by Megan Smalley at Recycling Today here.